LOCAL Service & Support

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HELP! After you reloaded Windows, my printer doesn't work!
► First and most importantly: DO NOT PLUG YOUR PRINTER INTO YOUR COMPUTER!

Because your system has had a fresh install of Windows your computer will not ‘remember’ your printer. You will have to reinstall the software that came with your printer, just like you did when you first purchased your printer. We will be providing some basic information below to help in setting up your printer. You should have access to everything you need to do this yourself, but if you are unable to, or simply uncomfortable doing it on your own, you can call the 1-800 phone number for the printer manufacturer listed in the documentation that came with your printer for assistance (don’t Google for the number).
Alternatively we can set the printer up for you. We will need:
Your computer (or laptop)
Your printer (please be sure there is paper & ink in it)
The power cord for your printer
The USB cord for your printer
You will need to leave it with us for about an hour and there will be a setup fee of $15.00.
Before powering up your computer ensure that your printer is NOT plugged into your computer. The simplest way to do this is to follow the USB cord from the back of your printer, and make sure that it is not plugged into to your computer. Do not, under any circumstances plug your printer into your computer until the printer software setup tells you to. There will be an obvious message telling you it’s time to plug the printer in. If you plug it in before the software tells you to this will break the installation process and require you to pay us to fix it.
Locate the installation software disk that came with your printer. Look at the label on the disk and be sure it lists what version of Windows is on your computer (for example – Windows 7). If you are unsure of what version of Windows is on your computer look at the receipt you received from us when you got your computer serviced – it will tell you. If you are unable to find your disk turn over this page and proceed to “DO-IT-YOURSELF PRINTER SETUP INSTRUCTIONS (WITHOUT DISK):
Power up your computer. Once it finishes loading into Windows, insert your printer disk. NOTE: because of recent changes to Windows by Microsoft – the disk will not auto-play or pop up on its own. This is normal. Find the icon on your desktop called ‘Computer and double-click on it. Now find the icon for your CD/DVD drive and double-click on it. This will usually be drive letter ‘D’ and have an icon of a disk on it. You will now see a list of files on the printer install CD. Look for an application called “Setup” or “Install” and double click on it. This will start the printer installation process. From here simply follow the instructions on the screen. Once the software asks you to plug in the printer, ensure the printer is powered on and pick any empty USB port on your computer and plug it in.
Before powering up your computer ensure that your printer is NOT plugged into your computer. The simplest way to do this is to follow the USB cord from the back of your printer, and make sure that it is not plugged into to your computer. Do not, under any circumstances plug your printer into your computer until the printer software setup tells you to. There will be an obvious message telling you it’s time to plug the printer in. If you plug it in before the software tells you to this will break the installation process and require you to pay us to fix it.
Go to directly your printer manufacture’s website. Type their full address in your browser’s address bar. DO NOT USE GOOGLE OR ANY OTHER SEARCH ENGINE TO FIND YOUR PRINTER SOFTWARE. Here are some common printer manufacture websites (if you don't see your printer manufacturer listed here please call us):
HP: support.hp.com
Brother: brother-usa.com/support
Dell: support.dell.com
Lexmark: support.lexmark.com
Epson: support.epson.com
Canon: usa.canon.com/cusa/support
Follow the instructions on the manufacture’s website to enter in your printer model number (usually labeled on the printer somewhere), and then choose your Operating System version. If you are unsure of what version of Windows is on your computer look at the receipt you received from us when you got your computer serviced – it will tell you. When you click to download the file you will be given options to run or save. Choose run, the wait for the file to download and begin to install. From here simply follow the instructions on the screen. Once the software asks you to plug in the printer, ensure the printer is powered on and pick any empty USB port on your computer and plug it in.

No worries! We can set the printer up for you! We will need:
Your computer (or laptop)
Your printer (please be sure there is paper & ink in it)
The power cord for your printer
The USB cord for your printer
You will need to leave your equipment with us for about an hour and there will be a setup fee of $15.00.
Support Article Last Updated 9.16.15